There are many reasons to make changes to your auto insurance policy. Have you moved? Do you now use your car to get to work or earn an income? Do you regularly travel outside Quebec? Is your child now driving the family car?
These are all changes that should be discussed with your agent or broker, who can inform you about the coverage that best meets your current needs and adjust your policy if need be.
Your insurer is required to send you a notice of renewal 30 days prior to the policy maturity date. If you do business with a broker, then it's your broker who sends you the insurer's renewal notice. If you don't reply, your car insurance policy is automatically renewed.
You may decide not to renew your policy or to switch insurance companies. That's your right. If that's the case, you should let your agent or broker know.
Renewing is a good time to review your premium. If you find a lower premium, make sure the two policies are identical. A lower premium could mean less coverage.
Your insurer may also decide not to renew your insurance policy. Why? Perhaps you haven't paid your premium. Or you've made a high number of claims. If that's the case, you'll receive a notice of non-renewal.
You can cancel your insurance policy at any time and for any reason. You can do so by simply informing your insurer in writing. However, your insurer may charge you a penalty. This is set out in the cancellation table appended to your policy. The longer the remaining policy term, the higher the penalty. Check to see whether it's really worth it.
Your insurer also has the right to cancel your policy no matter the reason. However, your insurer must notify you within 60 days of the policy coming into force. After this period, your insurer can only cancel your policy if: