Vacations and insurance: leave your worries behind

Automobile Vacations and insurance: leave your worries behind

You're about to enjoy a well-deserved rest during your vacation. What do you need to know about insurance to rest easy? Here are some scenarios to consider.


How lucky you are! You're going away with your family in a rented cottage for two weeks. But, your luck runs out: While preparing a feast, you start a cooking fire and damage cupboard doors and the stove.

Is this damage covered?

Yes, with the civil liability coverage included in your home insurance policy, you're insured for fire damage to a cottage you're responsible for. In this case, fire damage would be covered.

To leave with peace of mind, contact your insurer to find out what is covered by your home insurance policy.

Planning an ATV excursion?

During your vacation, you decide to go on an ATV adventure. Make sure the club operator has civil liability insurance for its all-terrain vehicles.

Did you know? The SAAQ does not provide for any payment in the event of bodily injury in an all-terrain vehicle accident. It is therefore up to you to check and purchase adequate auto, medical and accident insurance to protect yourself in case of injury to yourself or others.

Going on a road trip

Before you set out on your adventure, check to see if your auto insurance policy includes all the coverage you might need, such as adequate civil liability coverage, for example, or even roadside assistance, which can be useful.

If you're planning such a trip, whether by car or motorcycle, consider increasing your civil liability insurance coverage, especially if you're crossing into the United States.

Theft in your car?

During your getaway, you go for a nature hike on a scenic trail. When you return to your vehicle, you discover that your sports equipment has been stolen.

Your home insurance will compensate you for these stolen goods. In fact, if the stolen goods are not attached to the vehicle or if they aren't used to operate it, a home insurance claim applies.

If the car was damaged during the theft, your auto insurer will compensate you if you have coverage under your contract.

Renting a vehicle

Are you planning to rent a vehicle for your road trip? Consider subscribing to Endorsement 27. With this coverage available to those having auto insurance, you won't have to buy the insurance the rental company offers. However, make sure that the endorsement's coverage will be sufficient to cover the value of the leased vehicle.

It's time to enjoy the backyard!

Will you be enjoying your deck and pool at home this summer? Make sure you have the spa and pool endorsement on your home insurance policy, as these aren't covered under your basic policy.

The endorsement covers:

  • Your spa or pool located outside your home
  • Equipment used for maintenance and to ensure water quality
  • The deck or platform attached to your spa or pool but not to your home

Note that damage caused to others by reason of your pool or spa are covered by your civil liability insurance. For example, if your pool is pierced and empties into your neighbour's basement, your basic policy will compensate you for the damage caused to your neighbour.

home insurance

auto insurance




civil liability

ATV and off-road vehicles


endorsement 27

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