Your home insurance contract automatically covers many types of water damage. However, you must take out additional coverage against certain risks. What are these risks?
Find out which claims are covered and require purchasing an endorsement by clicking on the icons and referring to the summary table*.
*Note: Some coverage may differ for co-ownerships. Refer to your contract and your co-ownership syndicate’s contract.
After heavy rains, water seeps into your home through your roof.
Covered by endorsement
A drinking water main breaks and floods your basement.
Covered by contract
After torrential rains or a snow melt, water seeps through your home’s foundation or rushes into your basement (through the garage door, windows, etc.)
Covered by endorsement
Your washer breaks while washing laundry and leaks water.
Covered by contract
The dishwasher drain hose is worn, causing water to leak.
Covered by contract
You briefly get distracted, and your bathtub overflows.
Covered by contract
Your above-ground pool breaks, and water seeps into your home.
Covered by contract
The sewer system backs up into your home.
Covered by endorsement
The river near your home is overflowing. The water reaches your home and rushes into it.
Covered by endorsement
*Damage to the pool itself is only covered by adding the Spa and pool endorsement to your contract.