Water damage: interactive house

Water damage: interactive house

Your interactive house: what's covered

Your home insurance contract automatically covers many types of water damage. However, you must take out additional coverage against certain risks. What are these risks?

Find out which claims are covered and require purchasing an endorsement by clicking on the icons and referring to the summary table*.

*Note: Some coverage may differ for co-ownerships. Refer to your contract and your co-ownership syndicate’s contract.

Eau Nuage 1 Nuage 2 Pluie
Seepage through the roof Seepage through the roof

Seepage through the roof

After heavy rains, water seeps into your home through your roof.

Covered by endorsement

Bris Eau
Broken water main Broken water main

Broken water main

A drinking water main breaks and floods your basement.

Covered by contract

Eau Nuage Bleu Nuage Gris Vent Pluie Eau Inside
Water seepage through foundation Water seepage through foundation

Water seepage through foundation

After torrential rains or a snow melt, water seeps through your home’s foundation or rushes into your basement (through the garage door, windows, etc.)

Covered by endorsement

Bulles Eau Interieur Porte Ouverte L
Washer leak Washer leak

Washer leak

Your washer breaks while washing laundry and leaks water.

Covered by contract

Ave Vaisselle Eau Eclaboussure
Dishwasher leak Dishwasher leak

Dishwasher leak

The dishwasher drain hose is worn, causing water to leak.

Covered by contract

Bulles Canard Eau Mousse
Bathtub overflow Bathtub overflow

Bathtub overflow

You briefly get distracted, and your bathtub overflows.

Covered by contract

Bris Eau
Swimming pool failure Swimming pool failure

Swimming pool failure

Your above-ground pool breaks, and water seeps into your home.

Covered by contract

Eau Eclaboussure Rat
Sewer backup Sewer backup

Sewer backup

The sewer system backs up into your home.

Covered by endorsement

Poisson 2 Eau Poisson 1
Overflow from a waterway Overflow from a waterway

Overflow from a waterway

The river near your home is overflowing. The water reaches your home and rushes into it.

Covered by endorsement

Water damage coverage at a glance

Coverage typically included in contracts (Named Perils)

  • Damage caused by water from sudden and accidental leaks, ruptures, overflows or spills:
    • Plumbing fixtures;
    • Containers or installations containing water or its equipment, like an above-ground pool*, waterbed or aquarium;
    • Public drinking water mains break.

    *Damage to the pool itself is only covered by adding the Spa and pool endorsement to your contract.

  • Damage caused by water entering the building through a sudden and accidental opening caused by a covered peril, such as a branch broken off by strong winds.

    Refer to this list of typically covered risks.

Coverage purchased through endorsement

  • Water damage endorsement - Groundwater and sewers required to cover the following:
    • Discharge, backup or overflow from French drains or sewers;
    • Ground or surface water that enters or leaks into the building, such as snow melt.
  • Water damage endorsement: Groundwater, sewers and overflow of a body of water covers the following:
    • Damage caused by water from an overflow of a river;
    • The endorsement also includes coverage for sewer backups.
  • Water damage endorsement: Above ground water is required to cover the following:
    • Water seepage through the roof, walls, doors and windows.
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