To set your auto insurance premium, your insurer consults the Fichier central des sinistres automobiles, a database that includes accidents in which you’ve been involved and/or claims you’ve made over the past six years. Needless to say, it’s important to be honest if asked about your past accidents when shopping for insurance.
The number of accidents you have had and if you were at fault or not can be found in this database. It is managed by Groupement des assureurs automobiles.
The FCSA is public. Just like insurers, you can consult and check all the accidents registered for free.
Find out how proceed to consult your claims file on the Groupement des assureurs automobiles (GAA) website. You can also ask for your file to be corrected if you find an error. Just follow the procedure detailed on the website.
Claims are attributed to the custodian of the vehicle and not necessarily to its owner. The custodian of the vehicle is the person who had charge of the vehicle when the accident happened. At the time of the accident, your friend was driving your car. The accident will be recorded in her file, not in yours. Did your son have an accident with your car? Then the accident will be recorded in his file.