Your home is in a flood zone

Habitation Your home is in a flood zone

Mapping shows that your home is located in a flood zone. Find out what this means for your insurance coverage.

Your home remains insurable

Even if you live in a flood zone, you maintain the coverage specified in your insurance policy, including for fire, theft or vandalism.

Flood coverage

To insure yourself against flooding, you must add additional coverage (endorsement) to the home insurance policy.

Some regions are often flooded, while others very rarely are. The likelihood of flooding will impact whether you can purchase such an endorsement and the policy cost. Thus, while you live in a flood zone, the cost of a flood endorsement may possibly be higher, or coverage may not available.

Contact your insurance representative to find out whether you can purchase this endorsement or whether you already have it.

Emergency government assistance

Unless you have private insurance or adequate coverage, a policyholder who suffers a loss after a flood could have access to Ministry of Public Safety's Financial Assistance Program.

By-law endorsement coverage: coverage to consider

Your municipality may prohibit reconstruction of your home on its current site depending on the zone mapping. If this is the case, check out the by-law endorsement coverage which guarantees, among other things, replacement cost compensation for the reconstruction of a home elsewhere than on the current site. Contact your insurance representative to find out more.

home insurance


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