The Great Quebec ShakeOut

If a major quake were to hit Quebec, would you know what to do to protect yourself?
The Great Quebec ShakeOut is an excellent opportunity to test your level of earthquake preparedness, while taking part in a major drill involving millions of people around the world.
A major quake in Quebec?
Quebec and Ontario are the most seismic-prone regions of Canada, and the possibility of a major quake – while not as strong as on the West Coast – is very real.
Quebec has three active earthquake zones:
- Charlevoix-Kamouraska
- Western Quebec, from Montreal to the Ottawa Valley, up to the Témiscamingue
- Lower St-Lawrence and North Shore
Other Quebec regions experience quakes from time to time, including the one in the Saguenay in 1988, which registered 5.9 on the Richter scale, and which cause property damage evaluated at several millions of dollars.
It is therefore important to know what to do when a quake strikes and take steps to protect oneself.
The Great ShakeOut: a world-wide drill
The Great Shakeout began in Southern California in 2008, with several regions throughout the world joining the movement since then. And in 2016, more than 56 million individuals took part in the drill.
The Quebec version
The next edition of the Great Quebec ShakeOut (La Grande Secousse du Québec) will take place Thursday October 17, 2024.
After registering on the La Grande Secousse du Québec web site and reading the earthquake preparedness advice, you're invited to Drop to the ground, Take Cover under a table or desk, and Hold On to this piece of furniture as though you were in an actual quake. Hold this position for 60 seconds.
This simulation is a perfect time to identify the potential risks around you.
Is my property insured in case of a major quake?
Most home insurance contracts do not cover damages resulting from the earthquake itself.
You may however add an endorsement to your insurance policy to cover it. The Great Quebec ShakeOut is also a good time to evaluate your home insurance coverage, based on your risk tolerance and financial means to assume the consequences of a major quake.
Talk to your insurance broker or agent to learn more.
home insurance