Floods: filing your claim

Habitation Floods: filing your claim

Your home is flooded by an overflow of a body of water. What to do?

  • Contact your private insurer to check your coverage and insurance amount.
  • If possible, limit the amount of water coming in and remove it.
  • Dry and disinfect the flooded areas in your home.
  • Keep receipts for all expenses incurred to do the work and protect your home. Do the same for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for accommodation and food.

You don't have insurance
that covers flooding caused by an overflow of a body of water

You could be compensated by the Ministry of Public Security (MSP) which offers assistance to cover eligible property of owners and tenants. Check out their Web site for details about the Compensation Program.

Key stages:

  • Ask your insurer to confirm in writing that you have flood coverage.
  • Contact the MSP.
  • Keep all receipts for disbursements made to prevent further damage and to meet your needs.

You have insurance
that covers flooding caused by an overflow of a body of water

If the damage suffered is less than the coverage purchased, your private insurer will compensate you in full.

If the damage suffered exceeds the coverage purchased, you will then be compensated by your insurer, and possibly also the MSP. The latter offers assistance to cover eligible property of owners and tenants. Check out their Web site for details about the Compensation Program.

Key stages:

  • Validate the coverage amount with your insurer.
  • If the damage exceeds your coverage limit, also contact the MSP.
  • Keep all receipts for disbursements made to prevent further damage and to meet your needs.

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