Understanding and preventing auto theft

Automobile Understanding and preventing auto theft

Auto theft is a lucrative business in Canada, and the figures reveal an alarming reality. In 2022, nearly 38,000 vehicles were stolen across the country, resulting in losses of over $1.2 billion.

In Quebec alone, claims paid out by insurers exceeded $370 million, with nearly 10,600 claims. These figures, however, do not fully reflect the emotional and social impact of vehicle theft, which causes disruption, anxiety, and fear in communities from coast to coast.

Beyond the financial costs, auto theft fuels an increase in crime. It's a complex issue, which requires collaboration between automakers, insurers, and all levels of government, and law enforcement.

Why is your car stolen?

Generally, cars are stolen for three reasons:

  • Exporting: Quebec - and Montreal in particular - is a strategic hub for exporting stolen vehicles, notably because of its portuary activities. Its proximity to the U.S. border and major waterways makes easy work for thieves.
    These cars are exported mainly to Africa, Asia, and Europe. Luxury vehicles and late-model SUVs are the most popular targets for this type of theft.
  • Dismantling for parts: Your stolen car is taken to a clandestine workshop, commonly known as a chop shop. There, it is partially or completely dismantled. The resulting parts are sold on the illegal recycled parts market in Quebec or elsewhere. 
  • Vehicle resale: organized crime networks use a variety of techniques to fraudulently ReVIN vehicles, giving them a legal identity and selling them here or elsewhere.

The increase in auto theft can be attributed to several factors, including:

    • Lack of parts and vehicle inventory;
    • Involvement of organized crime and an ever-increasing demand for SUVs worldwide;
    • Lack of microprocessors;
    • Availability of replacement vehicles;
    • Vehicles easier to steal thanks to their electronic keys.
Did you know that nearly a third of stolen vehicles are not locked?





auto theft


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