Modifying your ATV

Automobile Modifying your ATV

You cannot make any modification to your snowmobile or ATV as you please. The Act governing off-highway vehicles regulates all improvements.

Modifying an ATV

The following safety equipment is mandatory for an ATV:

  1. White headlight

  2. Red tail-light

  3. Exhaust and breaking systems

You cannot remove or modify any of the above equipment. In addition to the mandatory safety equipment, an ATV built after January 1, 1998 must be equipped with:

  1. Red stop light at the rear

  2. Rear-view mirror firmly attached to the left side of the vehicle

  3. Speedometer

Did you modify the safety equipment and exhaust system on your ATV? You'll have to pay a fine of $250 to $500.

Modifying an ATV to carry a passenger

Under the law, an ATV can be modified to carry one passenger. Is your ATV designed to carry just one person? You can modify it by adding a booster seat in accordance with the seat manufacturer's instructions.

However, you must be aged 18 to drive an ATV that has been thus modified.

Modifying your snowmobile

Removing or modifying safety equipment from your snowmobile is prohibited. Moreover, you cannot modify your snowmobile's exhaust system or one of its components.

Did you modify your ATV? You'll have to pay a fine of $250 to $500.


ATV and off-road vehicles

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